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Unmasking the true self: A journey to authenticity 🌟

🕵️‍♂️ Who hides behind my mask? All my life, I have worn a mask, and I no longer know who I am. My mask has been my best friend for a long time. Today, I no longer know how to take it off. I often hear this in my practice. In our journey through life,… Read More »Blog

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Take care of your kidneys naturally 🌟

Taking care of your kidneys is essential for maintaining overall good health. These vital organs require daily attention to function properly. Here are some natural and simple tips to help care for your kidneys. What are the kidneys and why are they important? The kidneys are bean-shaped organs located on either side of the spine,… Read More »Blog

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10 tips to manage work stress and prevent burnout 🧘‍♂️

In our team, we often witness the devastating effects of work-related stress on the mental health of those we support. Many feel overwhelmed by the relentless pressures of the workplace, to the point of risking burnout. Burnout is not just about feeling tired or unmotivated. It is emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion that can have… Read More »Blog

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Lead with confidence: Embrace vulnerability to inspire your team✨

As a leader, you may feel compelled to always project strength and assurance, even during times of uncertainty. However, embracing your vulnerability—showing your doubts and challenges—can profoundly impact your leadership.Here’s why showing your vulnerability benefits your team and can motivate and inspire them to follow you anywhere. 🌍👥 Why vulnerability matters for leaders: ➡️ Builds… Read More »Blog

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Enjoy a deep sleep with these natural tips 🌙

How about a deep sleep tonight? Discover some natural tips to help you fall asleep and improve the quality of your sleep. Incorporate these simple tips into your evening routine and enjoy a truly restorative rest. 🍫 Three squares of dark chocolate 70% and a handful of almonds Cocoa and almonds are rich in magnesium,… Read More »Blog

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